For many divorcing couples, child custody can take an otherwise amicable split and turn it into a bitter custody battle. As a result, you may find that you are a victim of parental alienation at the hands of your spouse. What started as your child having a stronger bond with their other parent can quickly devolve into full resistance to spending time with you. As such, it’s important to understand how to handle parental alienation and why connecting with a Monroe, Louisiana family law attorney who can help you navigate these incredibly complicated legal issues is in your best interest.
What Is Parental Alienation?
Parental alienation is a term used to explain instances in which one parent nationally manipulates and estranges the relationship between their child and their other parent. Generally, this is done as a means of getting revenge or hurting the other parent for their part in the dissolution of the marriage. It’s important to understand that this is often a form of emotional abuse towards the child at the center of the divorce.
Examples of parental alienation include spreading lies to the child, such as “Dad doesn’t love you,” or “Mom always blames you for the divorce.” These lies can heavily impact the child, with many feeling unsure about who to believe. As a result, they may take every action or comment from the parent being alienated as proof of the lies they are being told.
When children are impacted and begin to believe the lies they are being told, they often become combative, disrespectful, and resistant to spending time with the parent facing alienation.
What Is the Best Way to Handle Parental Alienation?
If you are a victim of parental alienation, it’s important to understand what you can do to protect yourself and your child from the vindictive actions of your ex-spouse. The most important thing to remember is that it’s not your child’s fault, and they are a victim of emotional abuse at the hands of your spouse.
You should begin by gathering evidence to help support your claims, like texts and emails from your spouse, as well as keeping a log of times your child did not want to see you. Proving parental alienation can be difficult, so working with an attorney is critical.
If the courts rule in favor of the findings, depending on the severity of your circumstances, you’ll find that they may remove the child from the care of your ex, and begin a reunification process of supervised visitation between you and your child. In other instances, they may require you to attend mandated individual and family therapy sessions.
Parental alienation can be devastating for the villainized parent and child, so receiving justice for the harm you’ve suffered at the hands of your ex is critical. Luckily, the team at Breithaupt, DuBos, & Wolleson, LLC is ready to fight for you. When you need help, our team is here. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you during these complicated issues.